This blog is for everyone who has in~laws who make their life hell. Welcome to Hades! After years of putting up with this BS, I decided to tell my story.I have also recruited some fellow suffers to tell their stories, if you would like to join us just let me know. Misery loves company!!!!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Retirement Blues

This Is SO Stupid!

My parents are 10 years older then Dragons parents. My Dad just turned 65 and he decided to retire. What's the problem you ask????

MIL has decided that it isn't fair that neither of my parents work and can come see me whenever they want (my Mother has always been a homemaker - MIL was a homemaker until she ditched FIL). She starts whining about not being able to retire. Give me a break she is only 55. SO has also retired and wants to travel so MIL is upset about not being able to go on trips with SO. She calls Dragon constantly complaining about having to work when Jade's parents don't.

The company MIL works at hired a new girl who happens to be African-American. MIL starts complaining about the lazy "N" while at work and makes sure the new girl hears her. The new girl complains to management about being harassed and MIL gets fired. This allows her to draw unemployment for awhile but she is constantly asking Dragon for money. She also manages to convince Dragon that getting fired wasn't her fault. I beg to differ. Even if I believe MIL's story that the girl came in late every morning thus creating more work for MIL, there were better ways to handle the situation. Like documenting the fact the girl was coming in late and taking the issue to management for them to handle. Not hurling racial slurs at the girl. And give me a break I am sure MIL was late to work at least once.

Her unemployed status has become permanent. MIL has no intention of looking for another job and her unemployment has run out. She has convinced Dragon that she can't find another job, that nobody wants to hire someone her age. Dragon is feeling guilty about not contributing to his Mother's household when they are in dire financial straights. So dire they ran out and bought a brand new, gas guzzling, SUV.

I will be so happy when MIL turns 62 and can draw Social Security.


carmachu said...

DONT be excited when MIL turns 62 and can draw SS, because she will eitehr a) not draw that much, since its based on how much you put in andthe last 7 years she wont have put jack shit in and/or probably hasnt held a job that contributes much in....or b)wont tell you is drawing it and will keep whining.....

PLEASE tell me dragon isnt that stupid that he's giving money to her....please? Or that you threw an absoulte horrendous hissy fit to make sure he didnt?

Some people just cant plan ahead..

Deb said...

eekkk. what a nasty woman!

I agree completely with carm...Pleas say u threw a fit!

Jade said...

Deb, Yes, I threw a fit.

And sorry Carmachu, but Dragon is stupid enough to give her money if I let him. Honestly sometimes he gives the male species a bad rep. For a smart guy he sure is dumb when it comes to his Mother, Grandmother and Sister.

