This blog is for everyone who has in~laws who make their life hell. Welcome to Hades! After years of putting up with this BS, I decided to tell my story.I have also recruited some fellow suffers to tell their stories, if you would like to join us just let me know. Misery loves company!!!!

Friday, August 04, 2006

SIL Ruins Our Child's Birthday

The Wedding From Hell V Baby Boy's Birthday
Normally the fact that SIL is getting married would have me jumping for joy. After all if she has a MAN of her own maybe, just maybe she will stop obsessing over Dragon. But knowing I had a big birthday bash planed for BB, what did she do, she picked the day of the birthday party to get married. Insuring that Dragon will miss his own son's birthday. She is also insisting that Dragon has to give her away even though her FATHER and Stupid Brother will be there (which of course means that Dragon can't possibly get out of attending so he can attend his son's birthday party). And I just love her clumsy attempt at blackmail "We just picked the first weekend we could afford to get married; if somebody else wanted to pay for the wedding we could get married sooner and Dragon wouldn't have to miss BB's birthday". Gee B**** you could get married later and Dragon wouldn't have to miss BB's birthday, or you could let your OWN FATHER give you away and Dragon wouldn't have to miss BB's birthday. And I really can't see the rush they have been living together for MONTHS, so why can't she wait one lousy week to make it legal.
And this really takes the cake, she is insisting that Dragon has to get fitted for his tux on our anniversary. According to her he and SBIL(stupid brother in~law) have to go to the same shop, at the same time, in the same town to get their tux (and of course our anniversary is the only day SBIL can get off to do it). When I got married ALL the groomsmen had to do were get their measurements taken and send them to the shop I got the tux from along with a deposit, then the day of the wedding we picked up the tux and delivered them to the groomsmen. They certainly didn't have to travel out of town at a specific date and time to get fitted for a tux. How retarded is that?????
And he already missed Valentines in order to attend his stupid cousins wedding, which was out of town and which I didn't get to go to because SOMEONE HAD TO STAY HOME WITH THE KIDS.


carmachu said...

Look on the bright side:

You got to stay home with the kids and not deal with the drama of being there.

Sorry hun, that the SIL decides to pick YOUR day for your kids birthday...couldnt you change it(I know, I know, not the point).

On the other side, why wouldnt dragon NOT want to be at his kids birthday? Gods knwo hell or high water, work or no work, thats teh one day I know I wouldnt want to miss. Its your own kids birthday. My own-I wouldnt care. Forget the Mrs birthday, sure. But not my wee one. Thats days you cant get back. I know that much from my father.....

Jade said...

No, I couldn't change the birthday party (and the party was on the actual day BB was born). The invitations had already been sent out to the kids in his Kindergarten class. Some of whom I didn't have phone numbers for. The cake was ordered, and we had put a non-refundable deposit on the party place. Which was booked solid for the next 3 months.Not to mention Dragon was going to be going out of town on business. He had scheduled his business trips around BB's birthday. My Dad had arranged HIS schedule so he could be at BB's party. So rescheduling the party didn't get me anywhere, and it inconvinenced a lot of people.

And the thing that made it so bad was the party was the only thing BB asked for. He didn't want anyting else. Dragon was suppose to explain that he wasn't going to be there BUT apparently he didn't do a good job of it because BB kept asking when his Daddy was going to get there and asking his guest to stay until Daddy got there. It broke my heart and I'll never forgive Dragon for doing that to us.

I wouldn't have cared if Dragon had missed mine, he often does because of business, but he knew I was counting on him to be there for BB. It was in his PLANNER and everything. And after being TOLD numerous times that we had to do this or that holiday with them because he had already promised his Mother we would without discussing it with me, it stunk that the ONE time I had gotten him to PROMISE to do something for me he broke his word in order to accomodate SIL.

Jade said...

Oh, I forgot to mention SIL didn't give Dragon much notice about the wedding.

Week 1 - She calls and demands Dragon attend her wedding instead of BB's birthday party (which they already knew about - because I had called to check that that day was convient for them before scheduling it). MIL had bitched in the past because I had held birthday parties on weekends they had plans for and couldn't come and it wasn't fair my parents were there and she wasn't. She called the day after I sent the invitations out.

Week 2 - Our Anniversary and the weekend SIL insisted Dragon travel to Hades to get fitted for the tux.

Week 3 -BB's birthday

I know Dragon wanted to be there. He even said the day of the party he didn't want to go to Hades, BUT it was to late to back out!

I just don't feel like I can count on him anymore. No matter what he PROMISES ME or the KIDS one phone call from them can change everything.

Jade said...

Thanks Carmachu, a lot of people didn't understand why I didn't just reschedule the party and then when they heard the whole story they were like " Gosh, I would have killed them".

Considering SIL stayed married just long enough to get pg, and is now being kept by her married sugar Daddy I doubt he thinks it was worth it.

I visited your website your daughter is a cutie pie. I'll have to post pics one day.

carmachu said...

Your welcome. As the old saying goes, never ASSUME, it makes an ASS out of U and ME.


Anyway, no actually, dragon has to decide what he wanted more, his child or his SIS. Personally, I know as a dad what I choose, there is NO WAY in hell, I'm missing things like that. Time flies and you dont realize it. The mrs and I were just commenting the other day we could hold her in one arm....

HOPEFULLY now that you SIL is married she's stay away.

Unlesss of course(and chances are) tehre's more to the story than you've given(not that you have left anything out intentionally, but rather the story gets longer and more complicated).

Am I to understand now, she got pregnant, then divorced and now kept or am I reading things wrong?

Please, love to see pics of other peoples kids. Kids are the best....

Jade said...

carmach, you got it right. There is just no way I can post the whole story in one post. I would get writer's cramp. So ........the story is to be continued.

