This blog is for everyone who has in~laws who make their life hell. Welcome to Hades! After years of putting up with this BS, I decided to tell my story.I have also recruited some fellow suffers to tell their stories, if you would like to join us just let me know. Misery loves company!!!!

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Happy Holidays?????

I will be taking a break from blogging for the holidays, hopefully my team members will have something to post in the meantime. I am sure when I return in January there will be tons of stories to tell. MIL is already causing problems for me. I hope my readers have a Happy Thanksgiving & A Merry Christmas. I am already Miserable!!!! So you can expect post full of doom and gloom in January.

You can now subscribe to the blog and receive emails whenever someone post to IN~Laws From Hell.


carmachu said...

Have a happy holidays and hang in there kiddo....dig your heels in....

Jade said...

Hi Carmachu for some reason my email isn't working, I got your last message, but couldn't reply to it.
Yeah! Throw a serious hissy fit.

ME: I wonder if it will do any good

I'm sorry to hear about it. Wish I had some advice, but at this point I'm stumped and speechless here.....I really got nothing to say or add.

ME: I am pretty stumped myself, as Dragon has been stressing about paying off our loans and saving money; then did a 180 to lend/give his brother money.

Good luck.
ME: Thanks. I'll blog it when I get a chance. ~J

carmachu said...

got it!yeah dragon has this oddness about him for the way he does things in his own home life, and a 180 for your inlaws.....

Deb said...

Are you ever coming back?

Unknown said...

hi i would like to exchange my link with you if you are interested in link exchange with me email me on :-
my blog url is :-

Anonymous said...

hey carm...I wanted to email you ..I dont have your email..could you somhow post it for me ..thanks

Philip. said...

Great blog, glad I found it :-)

