SIL Comes For A Visit
Dragon's half-sister Mary is getting married. Since me and Mary get along great this should be a fun, joyous occasion. Right??????
MIL has decided that the cure for SIL's sick obsession with Dragon is for her to spend time with FIL and her half-siblings. SIL refuses to spend time with "these strangers" unless Dragon is around to hold her hand. So she had decided she will attend Mary's wedding BUT she has to stay overnight with us (even though we don't have an extra bedroom), and she has to drive to our house first so we can all go to the wedding together (which makes no sense as we live further away from Hades then Mary does, SIL actually has to drive past Mary's hometown in order to reach our house). Of course SIL is late getting to our house, which means we are going to be late to Mary's wedding, and once she gets here she proceeds to demand that Dragon drive her to the wedding. She is tired of driving, she doesn't know the way (neither do I), she is scared to drive in unfamiliar places, blah, blah. Dragon wimps out and agrees to drive SIL to the wedding leaving me to follow in our car.
At the reception SIL makes a big deal out of the fact that Mary's full brother Jay isn't there. He and his wife (Lisa) are hosting a couples baby shower and he choose to fulfill his prior obligation rather then attend Mary's wedding reception. Mary's fine with it and they have agreed to celebrate later, but as you can imagine SIL's catty comments are getting on my nerves I am sick and tired of listening to SIL prattle on about how lucky Lisa is to have a husband who puts her first, how wonderful it is that Jay is attending the party his wife had planned instead of his sisters wedding, ad nauseum. Dragon doesn't understand WHY I am getting upset. Funnily enough everyone else does. Step-MIL even tries to clue him in that in light of HIS missing BB's birthday in order to attend SIL's wedding her comments are insensitive to say the least. Not to mention SIL is making sure that everyone knows that Dragon drove her to the wedding and that he will be driving her home, because SHE doesn't like driving at night (neither do I) and Dragon is such a devoted brother. Well I have news for her HE is fixing to turn into a DEVOTED HUSBAND. I can manipulate just as well as that B*** can, and a plastered wife trumps a helpless sister. Besides getting drunk will make enduring SIL almost bearable, and the punch is good (I can even claim I didn't realize it had alcohol in it). So Dragon explains to SIL that he has to drive me home, but he can't she wails, "how will she get there, she doesn't know the way, it's dark". SBIL (Stupid Brother In-Law) suggest that she spend the night with him. It's only 15 minutes to his house and his wife (who is falling down drunk) can ride with her in case she misses the turn, SIL's bags are still in her car as she didn't have time to get them out. Problem solved. But NO, listening to SIL backpedal is hilarious, "oh she can make it to Dragon's house, an hours drive isn't that far, it won't be a problem".
(Dragon drives me home and SIL follows in her car)We get home and she lets her brat run wild. The boy puts a hole in my living room wall that has yet to be fixed. She doesn't even apologize. The next morning when we get up, she announces that she packed in such a hurry she forgot her hair care products and needs to borrow mine. After she leaves I realize a lot of my stuff is missing. But Dragon's only response is "she must have accidentally packed it, you can buy some more".
Your story is a little confusing: did dragon drive you home? And how did SIL get to your house?
Nice manipu;ation there dear....
I don't know how you can put up with the bullshit. Your man must be really good to you when his family is not involved!
He is deb.
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