This blog is for everyone who has in~laws who make their life hell. Welcome to Hades! After years of putting up with this BS, I decided to tell my story.I have also recruited some fellow suffers to tell their stories, if you would like to join us just let me know. Misery loves company!!!!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Back Story Part III

SIL Wants to Live With US
SIL is obsessed with Dragon (I'll get into that in another post-it's sick truly sick). MIL has invited her Significant Other (hereafter known as SO) to move in with her. SIL has decided that she can't possibly live with them. So she has asked Dragon if she can live with us................Thank God, FIL had the brains to ask me how I felt about it, because nobody else bothered too. I will leave if the brat invades my home.
She came to stay with us for a week. Supposedly to help with the housework and baby. The brat created more work for me and if you call telling me the baby is crying (which I could hear for myself) help I feel sorry for you. First off she stayed up late watching TV, as we still live in a small rental house, her TV viewing kept me and Dragon up, and disturbed the baby's slumber. Then she slept till noon and complained to Dragon that I wouldn't take her anywhere. By the time the brat got up, ate breakfast and got dressed it was time for the baby's nap. So no I didn't take her anywhere. I offered to have her go with me to the store (which is one of the places she claimed to want to go) several times, but I told her she had to be dressed by the time I was ready to leave. She refused to get up and go with me, so it's not my problem. I was able to get up get the baby dressed and leave at a decent time, she only had to worry about herself. After the baby woke up from it's nap it was time for me to cook supper, I am sorry OUR schedule is so hard for her to adhere too, it works for me, baby and Dragon I am not changing it for her. Then there is the matter of supper, she refused to eat what I cooked and got Dragon to take her to McDonald's for a hambugher. Thus leaving me alone with the baby and the dirty dishes. And the night Dragon worked late she threw a temper tantrum because he didn't feel like running up to McDonald's by the time he finally got home, he just wanted to go to bed. Her HELP, consisted of telling me the baby was crying when I was in the bathroom. I could hear the baby was crying I just couldn't do anything about it at the moment. When I asked her to change the baby's diaper, she said she was going back to sleep she just wanted to tell me the baby was crying and woke her up (lot of help that was - and she didn't have a problem watching TV all night and preventing me, baby and Dragon from getting a good nights sleep). So no thanks I am not having her stay in my home ever again.
And it's weird. Most seniors in high school wouldn't want to leave their friends. But all SHE cares about is living with Dragon. I can understand her not wanting to live with MIL and SO, but she could live with GIL and attend the same school. But NO, she doesn't want to live with GIL she wants to live with Dragon. And to top it off she is in special education, if she stays in the same school she will graduate next year. If she moves in with me and Dragon a lot of her special education courses will not transfer and she will not have enough credits to graduate. But she doesn't care about that either. She could also live with FIL & Step-Mom, who have kids close to her age, but she doesn't want to live with them she wants to live with Dragon.
Since living with Dragon isn't an option she has decided to stay with MIL and SO, apparently that wasn't ever really an issue for her, she was just using it as an excuse to move in with Dragon.


Anonymous said...

I hope your husband doesn't let her live with you. I'd think she'd really try to ruin your marriage. Good Luck!

carmachu said...

Thanks. And I mean it. I thought my inlaws(and conversely my folks, the mrs inlaws) can and are a pain.

But between you and that poor author of "my arrogant inlaws" we're lucky...

Jade said...

glad I was able to make you feel better carmachu, my next post should make you feel wonderfully smug as I can't believe many Mother's steal their kids id.

Funkee, FIL nixed it, thank God for him. Whithout his support it's not happening as MIL refuses to allow it, and SIL refuses to live with anyone but us. FIL just won't seek custody and SIL will be stuck with MIL.

carmachu said...

Yeah I read that. WOW, just when you think it couldnt get worse.

But you took care of it nicely....

